Getting Started With CalculiX Launcher For Windows

As it was mentioned, CalculiX Launcher works with Salome-Platform.
Salome-Platform is 'papa' of FreeCAD and many others free CAD programs. It has the same functions and STEP/IGES support.

First, go the the official web-site and download Windows version (registration is required). For 32-bit Windows you may need to get older version.
This is test of Salome7.4.0 on Windows XP sp2, Home Edition.

You will obtain self-extracting archive for Windows (about 1gb of size)

Unzip it onto C:\ drive

This procedure may take some time, but the benefit of huge size is portability.
Salome-Platform will provide you software with all libraries. Normally it should work 'out of box' but in some cases you may read installation instruction
Go to the folder with Salome and run 'bat' file as it is shown below.

At Windows7 you may need 'allow access', just do it.

OK, done! You can see Salome-Platform with list of modules. Start with selection of GEOM module.

Video lessons below show you main steps of how to work in CalculiX.

To learn Salome from scratch see this playlist.

Video-Lesson1 - Creating and meshing model in Salome-Platform.

Video-Lesson2 - Converting mesh into CalculiX format and running CGX in Pre-Processor mode.


Video-Lesson 3 - Creating INP file with commands for CalculiX CCX (solver)

Video-Lesson 4 - Running CalculiX CGX in Post-Processor mode


There are some video lessons of using text editor with code snippets, to apply boundary conditions. This is useful option for Windows (instead of wizard)
See it here: 1, 2, 3

CalculiX and Salome-Platform are native linux programs. They mainly developed and tested for linux. All windows clones are not free from mistakes.
In this case you may use CalculiX Launcher with windows version, provided by Jeff Baylor.
It is most stable version of CalculiX for Windows, and sometimes it can be helpful.
The other (best) way is to install linux under Windows with Virtualbox
Google how to do it, also you may use this version, with old Salome-MECA pre- installed.

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