CalculiX CGX as Preprocessor

Main CGX cards (Pre-processing mode)
Type commands when CalculiX GraphiX window is active, see response and output at terminal emulator (black) window.

prnt se

will show list or all groups with number of entities


At picture above the group 'fixed' has 672 nodes, 'bore2' has  1353 nodes
Let's show them in graphic window.

plus n fixed m
plus n bore2 b

In this case 'n' means nodes, 'm' - magenta, 'b' - blue (color).

plot <entity> <group> <color> - will show the group of entities
plus <entity> <group> <color>
 will add the group of entities to existing view

plot n all – show all nodes (group ='all')
plot e VOL1 – show elements of the group 'VOL1'
plot na all – all nodes with their numbers

White w, Black k, Red r, Green g, Blue b, Yellow y,
Magenta m, Nickel 'n' (metallic gray) and turquois t

plus na BC1 r - will add view for nodal group BC1 (red colour)

Measure the distance between nodes
qadd name
Semi-Interactive card to create the new group 'name'
by selection or add new entities for existing group.
See the video-lesson >>
qrem name
Semi-Interactive card to remove entities for existing
group 'name' by selection. See the video-lesson >>
Move or scale model. For example
move all scal 2
will scale all in 2 times.
Write some data to the text file. For example
send all abq
will write all mesh without groups (nodes and elements)
for shell elements renaming the type of element is required
(open file with text editor, search for "*Elements" and rename)
Send card is used to apply boundary conditions (it will create text file, that shell be attached in CCX inp file using *INCLUDE

send load abq pres 1.0
write the file with pressure = 1 for
the group of faces with name = 'load'

send surf abq film 1200. 0.5

will assign the film temperature of 1200 and
the film coefficient 0.5 to all element-faces in set surf.
send surf abq dflux 0.5

will assign the flux of 0.5 to all element-faces in set surf.
send fix1 abq nam
write nodes for the group 'fix1' into
the txt file with 'num' extension
comp name do
Add faces to nodal group 'name', or
add nodes and faces to the elemental group

Read CalculiX CGX documentation for more information!!!


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